Tuesday, July 5, 2022

REST: The LORD gives you rest - Psalm 127:2

The word of truth for today about the LORD loves you and gives you rest - Read more verses about rest

It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves? Psalm 127:2 MSG

Poem: "REST FOR THE WEARY" by M.S.Lowndes*
There is rest for the weary
And there's strength for the weak,
That is what God offers
To those who humbly seek

For it's only in the seeking
That we will surely find
Rest for our weary bodies
And peace for our troubled minds

So maybe for a while
We can rest along the road
And put on Jesus yoke,
For easy is His load.

*Read the rest of M.S. Lowndes' poem by clicking HERE

Prayer For Rest

I come to sit at Your feet, Lord Jesus, and desire to learn from You. I take Your yoke, which is easy and makes my burdens manageable. Teach me this day, O LORD, Your gentleness and humility, so I experience heavenly rest amid life's daily grind. Please guide me, Holy Spirit, to someone today who is working long hours, feels overwhelmed with worry and struggles with insomnia. Grant me the opportunity to share this wonderful reality about our Lord's joy in giving rest to those He loves. Lord Jesus, please bless them with supernatural rest as we pray and call upon Your almighty name. Amen!

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