Tuesday, July 11, 2023

FAITH: You will be encouraged in the faith - Acts 16:40

At daybreak, the court judges sent officers with the instructions, “Release these men.” The jailer gave Paul the message, “The judges sent word that you’re free to go on your way. Congratulations! Go in peace!” But Paul wouldn’t budge. He told the officers, “They beat us up in public and threw us in jail, Roman citizens in good standing! And now they want to get us out of the way on the sly without anyone knowing? Nothing doing! If they want us out of here, let them come themselves and lead us out in broad daylight.” When the officers reported this, the judges panicked. They had no idea that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens. They hurried over and apologized, personally escorted them from the jail, and then asked them if they wouldn’t please leave the city. Walking out of the jail, Paul and Silas went straight to Lydia’s house, saw their friends again, encouraged them in the faith, and only then went on their way. Acts 16:35-40 MSG 

Poem: "THE MAZE" by Patience Strong
If we have no faith to guide us, life will be a maze-
A labyrinth of twisting paths, a web of crisscross ways-
That will never really get us where we want to be -
Each turn leads to disappointment and futility.

In and out and round about we wander aimlessly -
Never knowing what we want, yet trying hard to see -
Some way out, some opening that promises to lead -
To the happiness we're seeking, and the peace we need.

God alone can give us this, and faith must be the guide.
Faith can break out of the maze into the light outside...
Faith will give our wayward thoughts a goal to keep in view -
And set our stumbling feet upon a path that's straight and true.

Quote: "If you walk by sight, you will be devastated by what you see. But, if you walk by faith, you will see the invisible and experience God's miraculous power in your life." - Hector Perez.

Praise & Prayer to encourage others in the faith
I praise You, Lord Jesus, for the example of Paul and Silas, who were immovable in their faith when they suffered injustice and afflictions for being Your disciples. Holy Spirit, please guide me to someone today who may be struggling in their faith. Use me to help encourage them in the faith through my care and words of comfort and hope. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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