Wednesday, July 19, 2023

GENEROSITY: You will be a great help through God’s immense generosity - Acts 18:27

When Apollos decided to go on to Achaia province, his Ephesian friends gave their blessing and wrote a letter of recommendation for him, urging the disciples there to welcome him with open arms. The welcome paid off: Apollos turned out to be a great help to those who had become believers through God’s immense generosity. He was particularly effective in public debate with the Jews as he brought out proof after convincing proof from the Scriptures that Jesus was in fact God’s Messiah. Acts 18:27 MSG

POEM: 'GIVE, GIVE, GIVE' by Regina McIntosh
Give, give, give
It’s the only way to live
Love, love, love
It’s God’s gift from above
Hope, hope, hope
It’s the only way to cope
Trust, trust, trust
It’s simply a must
 Pray, pray, pray
It’s the only way
Smile, smile, smile
It lasts for quite a while
Laugh, laugh, laugh
It’s done on God’s behalf
Praise, praise, praise
It’s always a heart who pays
Cheer, cheer, cheer
It’s what makes you such a dear

Praise & Prayer to be generous like Jesus
I praise You, Abba Father, for being the Greatest Giver who pours out blessing after blessing in my life. Thank You for Your loving and generous nature, demonstrated by giving Your only begotten Son to save me from darkness and give me eternal life. Holy Spirit, please stir me to follow Apollos' example, who helped his family and fellow believers in need. I aim to practice the Lord Jesus' teachings and believe that giving is more rewarding than receiving. I ask for Your guidance to identify someone today who I can bless tangibly, emotionally, or spiritually. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray.

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