Monday, July 10, 2023

Happy Birthday to my Fruitful Vine, Psalm 128, July 10, 2023

When I was 20 years old, I met my future wife at a church fellowship. In my eyes, she was beautiful, smart, gentle, kind, and reserved (very quiet). 

The first time I met Michele, never did I imagine that she would ever consider me. Two years later, some guys and gals from the church, went on a group trip to Solvang, CA. As we (the boys) walked through the town, we happened to visit a candy store, and ran into the gals. Michele was one of the gals who was in the candy store, and when I saw her at a distance, across the candy store, I felt a strong attraction. After our trip I began to pray for her on occasion and asked the Lord to lead me regarding the feelings that started to grow in my heart for Michele. I kept my thoughts and emotions to myself, only confiding in the Lord through prayer. 

Six months later, when Michele was getting ready to go on a European vacation, I sensed an urgency to pray for her every day with Mark, a roommate and dear friend that I trusted and confided in; I prayed daily for her but battled with doubts, and fears of inadequacy. I questioned whether she would even consider dating a guy like me who only had a high school education and was a blue-collar worker (She had a BS Degree in Computer Science). A week later while she was in Ireland, it was 10:30 PM on a Saturday night, when I returned home from watching a movie with some church friends. I washed up, and knelt by my bedside to read the Bible, which was my custom before hitting the pillow. I was reading through the Book of Psalms and happened to be on chapter 128. 

As I read chapter 128, the words in CAPS (see below) jumped out to me. I reread this chapter repeatedly, asking God if He was speaking to me about Michele being the “fruitful vine” the Psalmist was mentioning in verse 3? 

“Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. YOUR WIFE WILL BE LIKE A FRUITFUL VINE within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.” Psalms‬ ‭128‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Needless to say, I did not sleep that night but stayed up praying and asking the Lord to please give me clarity and a sign. Two weeks later, Michele returned from her trip. For the next six months, we would see each other at church services, and serve together on occasion in different ministry activities but I continued to keep my affection, emotions, and thoughts to myself.

My feelings for Michele grew stronger and stronger, so I asked the Lord to give me the courage and open a door of opportunity for me to ask Michele out on a date. A door opened, and the day came when I took the risk. She accepted my invitation which filled my heart with both nervousness and joy. We started dating one to two times per month for seven months. 

On a Saturday night, after we had gone out for dinner, I was praying internally and thinking of asking her to marry me but I was grappling with the fear of rejection, however, I took the risk and asked her - "Will you marry me?" My FRUITFUL VINE responded with a "YES" and accepted me into her life. 

We’ve been together for 43 years (44 yrs. in September) which have gone by too fast. She has been the greatest blessing of my life. My heart is filled with gratitude as we get to celebrate my vine’s birthday tomorrow, on July 10th with some of our wonderful olive shoots (children and grandchildren) sitting at our table.

I happen to be reading Psalm 128 in my annual Bible reading plan this morning. I wrote this missive, as the Lord took me back in time to remind me and give me a powerful memorial rock of the great things He has done in us, through us, and for us.

“Lord JESUS, I bow to thank You for that night, 44 years ago, when You and the Holy Spirit spoke to me through Psalms 128. You have blessed me with much more than I ever deserved through Your FRUITFUL VINE, my precious wife. I give YOU all praise, honor, and glory for the prosperity and blessings You have given us through our children, grandchildren, family members, and church friends. No words can ever express what we owe You for the good You have shown to us. Thank You!”


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