Friday, July 21, 2023

TRUST: Radical trust in the Master Jesus results in a radical life change - Acts 20:21

I [Paul] taught you out in public and I taught you in your homes, urging Jews and Greeks alike to a radical life change before God and an equally radical trust in our Master Jesus. Acts 20:21-22

POEM: "NO MISTAKES" by Lenora McWhorter

When my hopes fade
And my dreams die.
And I find no answer
By asking why.
I just keep on trusting
And hang on to my faith.
Because God is just
He never makes mistakes.
Should the storms come
And trials I must face.
When I find no solution
I rest in God's grace.
When life seems unfair
And more than I can take.
I look up to the Father
He never makes mistakes.
God sees our struggles
And every bend in the road.
But no mistake is ever made
Cause He weighs every load.

Praise & Prayer to trust in God and my Master
Even when my soul feels overwhelmed with sorrow, I choose to trust in my Master Jesus who sacrificed His life on the cross to give me a radical life change and the hope of eternal life. Abba, Father, I thank You for speaking to me through this scripture that trusting You is paramount in life. In Jesus' name, I ask You to use me as You did with Paul to urge family members and friends to radically trust You during the darkest moments we all face in life. Please guide me, Holy Spirit, to someone today who is hurting on the inside and needs my care. I pray for their healing and a miraculous faith transformation as we pray and call upon the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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