Friday, October 6, 2023

BREASTPLATE: Stand firm with breastplate of righteousness - Ephesians 6:14

Stand firm then, with the breastplate of righteousness in place. Ephesians 6:14b

Praise & Prayer
I praise You, Lord Jesus, for equipping me with Your breastplate of righteousness that protects my heart. Please fill me with Your courage to stand firm against the forces of evil by hating iniquity and loving what is right in the eyes of God. You see, O LORD, how our society calls what is evil good and good evil, who love darkness and hate the light, who say bitter is sweet and what's sweet is bitter. Holy Spirit, please don't let my heart and mind be influenced by what I hear and see in the media. Use me this day as a vessel of God's truth and goodness by wearing the breastplate of righteousness. Grant me opportunities to do good to my family and people whom You place my path. I pray in Jesus' mighty name.

Upon my chest, Christ's breastplate will gleam,
An armor for righteousness, the warrior's confident theme,
Forged in love and goodness that sparkles with purity of light,
Conquering evil forces by advancing what is right.

The breastplate of righteousness shining with God's grace,
Reflecting virtues of hope to those who are abased,
Rejecting corruption, and hating wicked schemes,
We stand unyielding, ambassadors of God's righteous beams.

I will stand firm to don this breastplate strong,
In righteousness, is where Jesus helps me belong,
To face the evil forces of darkness, without any fear,
Full of Christ's righteous virtues glimmering crystal clear. 

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