Wednesday, June 26, 2024

FORGIVEN: God grants you the great blessing of being forgiven for your wrongs - Romans 4:7

“It is a great blessing when people are forgiven for the wrongs they have done, when their sins are erased! It is a great blessing when the Lord accepts people as if they are without sin!” Romans 4:7-8 ERV

Praise & Prayer
I praise You, O LORD, that Your mercy is greater than all of my transgressions. No words can express the gratitude in my heart for the great blessing of being forgiven for all of my wrongs and erasing my sins with the powerful blood of Christ. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the great blessing of forgiveness and for not remembering my sins. Holy Spirit, please guide someone across my path today who is crushed by remorse and feels unforgivable for the wrongs they've committed. Grant me the opportunity to share this blessed truth about the Lord's desire to forgive our sins and accept us as if we were without sin. I pray in Jesus' mighty name. 

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