Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today's Bible Promise - "The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue" Isa. 50:4

The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. Isa. 50:4

Lord Jesus, I want to learn to be more like You in my thoughts, words, and deeds. Grant me an instructed tongue and help me to think before I speak so that I learn to convey words of life that build up, encourage, and sustain my family and the people You place in my life. Teach me speak with compassion for the suffering, the poor, and the lost. Teach me to speak with kindness when interacting with my co-workers and customers. Stop me from saying things that are mean, deceptive, or hurtful to others. Teach me to have a pure heart that I may speak forth the truth in love. In Your holy name I pray

1. Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
in living echoes of Thy tone;
as Thou has sought, so let me seek
Thine erring children lost and lone.

2. O fill me with Thy fullness, Lord,
until my very heart o'erflow
in kindling thought and glowing word,
Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show.

Lord speak to me ---Frances R. Havergal

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