Friday, October 30, 2020

CARE: You are under God's faithful care - Psalm 37:28

The holy scripture for today about You are under God's faithful care - meditate on more verses about God's care

The Lord loves it when He sees us walking in His justice. He will never desert His devoted lovers; they will be kept forever in His faithful care. But the descendants of the wicked will be banished. Psalm 37:28 TPT

Truth: "What does God require of me? To act with justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly." Micah 6:8

Prayer for God's care

I am grateful for God's constant care. Thank You, loving Father, for caring more about me than I care about myself. Holy Spirit, remind throughout the day that I can cast all of my anxieties on the Lord because GOD CARES FOR ME. Fill my heart Holy Spirit with the passion of Jesus in doing those things that please my heavenly Father. Guide two people across my path today who are overwhelmed with fear of the future and believe the lies of the devil who tells them --- “God doesn't care about you that’s why you are all alone.”  Use my personal care to help them experience the love of our Father in Jesus’ mighty name.    

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