Monday, November 23, 2020

LOVED: God loves you and thinks of you all the time - Psalm 40:5

The holy scripture for today about God loves you and thinks of you all the time 


O Lord, our God, no one can compare with You. Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with You! And You think of us all the time with Your countless expressions of love— far exceeding our expectations! Psalm 40:5 TPT 

Quote: "God does not love some future version of you, He loves you just as you are right NOW!" 

Prayer to experience God's amazing love

I am blessed to have a compassionate Father in heaven who never stops loving me even when I mess up. I am enriched O LORD by Your unfailing love that far exceeds my limited comprehension. Thank You for thinking of me and never forgetting about me. Engrave upon my heart Holy Spirit these words --- "Nothing or no one can ever separate me from the love of God that I have through Christ Jesus my Savior." Lead me to someone today who feels ashamed and thinks they are unworthy of God's love. Use my care and support to share the good news that God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved Son that whosoever believes in Him would never perish but have eternal life. I pray in Jesus' mighty name.

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