Thursday, March 24, 2022

LOVED: You are the focus of God's love - Psalm 109:26

The word of life for today about You are the focus of God's love - Read more verses about God's love

Help me, O Lord my God; because of Your constant love, save me! Make my enemies know that You are the one who saves me. Psalm 109:26-27 GNT 

Quote: "God's love is the secret antidote to experiencing true happiness in life."  - Hector Perez

Question: "Who can ever love you as God does?" 

Praise and Prayer to know God's love

Abba Father, the answer to the question above is simple. No one loves me as much as You do. I am convinced that nothing and no one can ever separate me from Your love. COVID can't; cancer can't; sickness can't; fears can't; worry can't; economic troubles can't; death can’t, and angels won’t. Not even the powers of hell itself cannot separate me from the love that I have in Christ Jesus who died on the cross to save me from eternal perdition. Holy Spirit, please guide someone across my path today who has never experienced God's boundless, constant, and endless love. Unplug their ears to hear and open their heart to receive God's love by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I pray for their salvation in His holy name. Hosanna and Amen!

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