Friday, May 6, 2022

LIGHT: The Lord's light shines upon you - Psalm 118:27

The Living word for today about The Lord's light shines upon you - What did Jesus mean when He said I AM the light of the world? 

The Lord is God, and He has made His light shine on us. Psalm 118:27a NIV

QUOTE: "You can indeed be a light in this world, but only if your switch is turned on." - John Hagee

Praise & Prayer to be a light 

For You, Lord Jesus, are the light of the world who enlightens my darkness and shines the light of life in my spirit, heart, mind, and soul. Holy Spirit, please help me turn on my light switch, so I can be a shining light that radiates the love and hope of Christ to a family member or friend who is in despair and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lord Jesus, please shine Your light of life on them as we pray and call on Your omnipotent name. Amen.

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