Monday, May 9, 2022

MERCY: The Lord's mercy endures forever - Psalm 118:29

The word of hope for today about The Lord's mercy endures forever - Read 100 verses about God's mercy

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 118:29 NKJV

Poem: "GOD CARES" by Greta Zwaan*
For many years you walked alone upon this weary road,
And God saw fit to share with you the burden of your load.
He did not leave you stranded to fight it on your own,
But gently claimed your soul one day and seeds of faith were sown.

God’s mercy and compassion are greater than we know,
And e’re He gives us burdens, His love He will bestow.
He set aside a time for you to lean upon His breast,
In tenderness, He watches as you journey through this test.
*Read the rest of Greta's poem by clicking HERE

Praise & Prayer for God's mercy

Good Father, I praise You for demonstrating such great love and undeserved mercy through Christ Jesus to me. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for revealing to me that God is love, and His mercy endures forever. Please strengthen me to pay mercy forward to my family or people in the marketplace just as You have shown mercy to me. Holy Spirit, please lead someone across my path today who is dealing with thoughts of self-condemnation and feels undeserving of God's mercy. Use my care to open the eyes of their heart to see and accept the Lord's great mercy towards sinners who repent and confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Hossana in Jesus' mighty name. 

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