Friday, May 13, 2022

PRESERVED: The Lord will preserve your life - Psalm 119:38

The living word for today about The Lord will preserve your life - Read 40 verses about God's preservation.

DALETH (4th letter in the Hebrew alphabet which means 'Door' or 'Doorway')   

Fulfill your promise to Your servant, so that You may be feared. Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good. How I long for Your precepts! In Your righteousness, preserve my life.  Psalm 119:38 NIV

Quote: "God counted your hairs today and knows every detail of what is going on in your life. Therefore, He promises to preserve you and give you the needed strength and resources to overcome every adversity you face." - Hector Perez.

Praise & Prayer for God's Preservation

I praise You, Holy Father, for Your promise to preserve and protect me. Lord Jesus, You are the Door that has opened my eyes to see and experience God's faithfulness and boundless goodness. Thank You for telling me that; In this world, I will have tribulation, but I am to take heart and be of good cheer because You have overcome the world. Never again will I feel forsaken, and never will You leave me. Please guide me Holy Spirit to someone today who feels like no one cares and thinks they are damaged goods. Grant me an opportunity to share this wonderful promise of God's preservation. I pray for their redemption in Jesus' mighty name. Hosanna!

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