Thursday, July 6, 2023

POWER: You have power over demonic spirits in Jesus' name - Acts 16:18

One day we were going to the place for prayer, and a servant girl met us. She had a spirit in her that gave her the power to tell what would happen in the future. By doing this she earned a lot of money for the men who owned her. She started following Paul and the rest of us around. She kept shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you how you can be saved!” She continued doing this for many days. This bothered Paul, so he turned and said to the spirit, “By the power of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her!” Immediately, the spirit came out.  Acts 16:16-18 ERV

Poem: "THE NAME OF JESUS" by Gertrude Jefferies
It's not a good luck charm or amulet,
It's not a grown-up's fancy toy.
It's the precious Name of Jesus,
Which God has given us to employ.

Not a "name it and claim it" formula,
It's not a clue to a buried treasure,
But the Name of the King of all ages,
Has incalculable worth and measure.

That Name ushers us into the Presence
And throne room of the Almighty God.
Where we bring our requests and petitions,
While we travel this old earthly sod.

In his Name there is wholeness and healing,
Attained by every stripe upon his back.
Ours by the word of our confession,
No child of God need have to suffer lack.

A name of new life, and new beginnings,
No matter how entrenched in sin we are,
That Name offers freedom from sin's bondage,
And deliverance to all, near and far.

It's a Name of agony and suffering,
As he hung there on the cross of Calvary.
Opening the door to our salvation,
The price was fully paid. We now are free.

He has walked the Valley of the Shadow,
Over death, our Lord has won the victory.
Now the grave need no longer alarm us,\
He walks the vale with you and with me.

Praise & Prayer to triumph over evil spirits
I am a child of God and have triumphed over the evil one because of my faith in Jesus Christ, who resides within me and is more powerful than Satan, the ruler of this world. I praise You, Lord Jesus, for sacrificing Yourself on the cross to set me free from the devil's stronghold of sin. Through Your divine authority, I have been liberated from despair, deceit, falsehood, malevolence, accusations, death, and eternal damnation. Holy Spirit, I ask You to please lead me to someone who is under the influence of the devil and feels hopeless. Lord Jesus, I ask for your intervention and deliverance as we pray in Your mighty name. Hosanna [save now]!

Click HERE to read 25 Bible verses about Jesus casting out demons

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