Monday, October 30, 2023

NEEDED: You are needed - Philippians 1:24

If I continue living here on earth, I will be able to work for the Lord. But what would I choose—to live or to die? I don’t know. It would be a hard choice. Sometimes I want to leave this life and be with Christ. That would be much better for me; however, you people need me here alive. I am sure of this, so I know that I will stay here and be with you to help you grow and have joy in your faith.  Philippians 1:22-25  

I am needed to help the broken who are in despair,
Channeling Christ's love through compassionate care.
I'll be a source of comfort who wipes away their tears,
By reminding them of God's love that drives out all fear.

I am needed as a voice of truth among the crowd,
Helping overthrow the lie in those who are bowed.
I'll bring joy and jubilant celebration,
Sparking unwavering faith and brazen inspiration.

Paise & Prayer
Heavenly Father, I praise You for reminding me through this scripture of the value and significance You have given me in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit, please use me this day to help someone grow in the faith who feels useless and discouraged. I pray in Jesus' mighty name. AMEN!

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