Tuesday, October 24, 2023

OVERFLOW: God's love will overflow through you - Philippians 1:9

I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. Philippians 1:9 NLT

Q: "How can you detect God's love? 

God's love has a heart of compassion that seeks to save the lost. 

God's love has outstretched hands that uplift the downcast

God's love has feet that roam the earth to spread good news to the poor. 

God's love has eyes that see the unseen pain of the soul

God's love has ears that hear the cry of the destitute who need help

God's love is Christ, who sacrificed His life on the cross and revealed to the world that "GOD IS LOVE.'" 

Praise & Prayer
I praise You, Lord Jesus, for coming into my life and filling me with God's everlasting love. Please change me and form me into a fountain of Your unfailing love that overflows to people who feel unloved, are empty of joy, devoid of hope, and crave acceptance. Holy Spirit, please help me grow stronger in knowledge and understanding as I read the holy scriptures so I can be a loving, faithful, and compelling ambassador of Christ Jesus in the marketplace. Grant me opportunities this day to be a fountain of God's love that overflows to family members, friends, neighbors, and strangers You place in my path. I pray in JESUS' mighty name.



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